Atsu will be buried on March 17


1 week observation for christian Atsu
Christian Atsu

On March 17, 2023, the former Ghanaian football hero Christian Atsu’s final funeral service will take place in the forecourt of the state house in Accra.

The final rite’s date was announced during the ongoing one-week celebration taking place at Accra’s Adjiringanor Astro Field.

In the meantime, the late Ghanaian footballer would have a dignified funeral, the government’s Minister of Youth and Sports Mustapha Yussif has pledged.

1 week observation

“The one-week celebration’s full expense has been borne by the government. An official state funeral will be held. Due to the late footballer’s contribution to Ghanaian football, the government would also bear the expense of that.

In addition, “our brother’s death was tragic in its manner, and now is the time for us all to gather together to give him a suitable funeral.”

Alan Kyerematen, a former minister of trade who is now running for president, also gave money to the late Christian Atsu’s family.

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