12 online fraudsters who pretended to be CEOs, security officers, and members of parliament have been arrested by police

pictures of the cyber fraudsters


pictures of the cyber fraudsters
Pictures of the cyber fraudsters

Investigations have revealed that the criminal organization’s strategy is to pretend to be well-known individuals, such as ministers of state, members of parliament (MPs), heads of governmental organizations, and corporate entities on social media in order to defraud unwary victims of various sums of money by promising them jobs, scholarships, the publication of false promotional advertisements, and the sale of goods, among other things.

973 bogus social media accounts that the suspects made using the identities of these well-known people and companies have been taken down as part of the operation. The names of 785 of the fictitious accounts belonged to members of parliament, 62 to security personnel, 136 to ministers of state, ambassadors, and other institutional heads.

In addition, the police have found 54 SIM cards, three laptops, and 32 mobile phones that the suspects used to carry out their crimes.
Police urged anyone who has been a victim of one of the aforementioned offenses to contact 0249850601 for additional Police action and added the operation to crack down on cyber-related crimes has been institutionalized.
This number is just used for this exercise.

Gideon Kove, alias Billions, Felicia Nanewortor, Carl Kristal, Safari Zatey, Eric Acquah, alias Cent Mona, Richard Agbadzi, Isaac Dortsue, alias Barajah, and Samuel Gadre are the 12 suspects.

The others are Wisdom Tornyie, Yonnah Boso, Sterling Kwame Doe, and Moses Otchie alias Razak.
They are currently aiding the police investigation, and they will appear in court to answer for their crimes.

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