The following morning, my roommate Anita and I both got up, took our showers, and prepared for lectures. Anita was exactly the kind of roommate I had been hoping for; she often behaved as my mother and counselor. She was slightly older than me. She also had a lot of boyfriends and was really attractive. Despite the fact that she wasn’t a runaway girl, she wasn’t the kind of girl who was loyal to only one boy. We were about to depart from our hostel to our department lecture hall when a car stopped Infront of us’ tried peering through the tinted glass and saw that it belonged to none other than Kingsley. My thoughts raced. That morning, I certainly wasn’t expecting him to show up. Wow, Kingsley got out of his car and started walking in our direction. I was shocked to see him so early. He was wearing a head warmer, possibly to hide the stitched-up area of his head. Anita was almost as surprised to see him so early and wondered whether this was a sign of his unemployment. While I stood there like a statue, Kingsley and Anita exchanged greetings and small talk.

The silence between us was broken by Kingsley’s “hi there” greeting. Anita as she quickly turned to face me and gave me the “you better start apologizing” look.  “Kingsley, from the bottom of my heart, I want to sincerely thank you for defending my honor yesterday, and I really want to apologize for leaving you at the hospital, I guess I wasn’t in the right state of mind,” I begged. It’s true that anyone would have desired to die for someone as attractive as you; nonetheless, it pains me that you are not making an effort to pay attention to me. I hope you take my message to heart.” yesterday’s bouquet?” He inquired while smiling coolly, and I flushed. I have given him the chance he had been waiting for, and really, the next thing any boy would have requested was either a date or an outing. “Like I said Before, Am Really Sorry, and Promise to Make It Up to You,” 00oops, what the hell did I just say? But when he added, “Alright then, I hope you wouldn’t mind if I gave you guys a ride to school,” I and Anita were genuinely taken back. 

I was going to respond to him with a NO when Anita swiftly shot me a harsh look and answered him with a positive YES.I was initially hesitant  but Anita had already climbed into his car. Anita complimented the happy Kingsley, who couldn’t believe he had let us in his car, saying, “nice car you’ve got.” He nodded his head, started the engine, and we sped off with nothing but smiles on his face. On the way, we didn’t really say much. When we eventually got to our department, Kingsley tried to behave like a gentleman. He swiftly got out of his car and hurried to open the car door for us as we got out, still grinning.

Thank you very much for to entering my car; it meant a lot. Please give me your phone number, and don’t refuse please. Kingsley begged.

As I was going to respond to him, a woman’s voice called. The speaker rushed up to us and exclaimed, “Kingsley? What are you doing here?” I immediately observed a significant change in Kingsley’s demeanor; I knew he wasn’t pleased to see her. Hey Ada, watsup,” Kingsley answered. The young girl adamantly demanded to know what he was doing and who they were.

“Please meet  Anita and Becky, they’re my friends.” When she interrupted him, he hadn’t even finished what he was saying. He simply stood there, seeming helpless. As if getting ready for a fight, the girl suddenly turned to face us with one hand on her waist.

something was about happening, and it wasn’t good at all.

According to an African saying, “when elephants fight, the surrounding area suffers.”

Episode 1         Episode 2        Episode 3   

Episode 4         Episode 5        Episode 6  

Episode 7         Episode 8        Episode 9
Episode 10        Loading           Loading
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